Conservation Easements: The 21st-Century Abusive Tax Shelter
by Jay Starkman, CPA
In this article, Jay discusses the abuse of conservation easements.
Copyright 2018 Jay Starkman
All rights reserved.
It began as a conservationist dream backed by generous tax benefits. From
enactment over 40 years ago through the 1990s, the conservation easement
(CE) tax incentive worked largely as intended. Most easements then
consisted of farms and ecologically valuable properties saved from
Lax standards and enforcement have led to massive
abuse. The rise of CE syndicates promising up to 4-to-1 deductions has
drawn ire. Also, wealthy landowners have sometimes secured inflated land
appraisals with the same effect.
The Wall Street Journal has reported that more than 15,000
investors have claimed $230 billion in deductions, far beyond previous estimates, though the actual figure is probably closer to $23 billion.
While attention is directed toward syndications, the 47 cases analyzed
at the end of this article show that abuses are common among individual
landholders, too.
BNA reports that the IRS will brief the Senate Finance Committee in June on syndicated CEs.
The problem is much broader than just syndications because many
individual CEs are now undertaken without any real conservation intent,
motivated solely by financial considerations using an overvaluation
appraisal, aided by the soft “highest and best use” judicial standard,
and a nominal risk of IRS scrutiny.
Although I am a sole
practitioner with a very small practice, I’ve had clients bring me at
least six abusive CE tax shelter proposals, and for many of them, I’ve
been able to obtain the full appraisal study, which I forward to an IRS
tax abuse unit (same as I did with the 1980s tax shelters). All propose
4-to-1 tax write-offs that were popular in the 1980s. I frequently
receive calls from colleagues, clients, real estate agents, and wealth
advisers: All have questions about the legitimacy of CEs that are
marketed to them by people they trust.
The hallmark is an
intentionally inflated property appraisal to maximize an income tax
deduction. As a bonus, CE tax credits are available in 16 states and
Puerto Rico.
Some states allow selling these tax credits to third parties. The seller nets about 75 to 80 cents on the dollar.
A sophisticated industry has arisen to advise on this tax shelter,
unlike the tax shelters of the 1980s, which relied on a single promoter
and a dubious legal opinion.
I. Tax History of Conservation Easements
A CE is one of the few exceptions that allows a charitable deduction for donating a partial interest in property.
It began in 1976
and was meant to be temporary for one year, but it was extended year after year until it was made permanent in 2015.
This was a relaxation of the 1969 act that prohibited tax avoidance
practices whereby a charitable deduction could be obtained for a gift to
charity while the donor continued to use the property.
The 1969 act allowed a charitable deduction when donating less than the
taxpayer’s entire interest in real property only for an undivided
interest to a trust or a remainder interest in a personal residence or
The current section 170(h) was largely written in 1980. The committee report declared Congress’s lofty hopes:
The committee believes that the preservation of our country’s natural
resources and cultural heritage is important, and the committee
recognizes that conservation easements now play an important role in
preservation efforts. The committee also recognizes that it is not in
the country’s best interest to restrict or prohibit the development of
all land areas and existing structures. Therefore, the committee
believes that provisions allowing deductions for conservation easements
should be directed at the preservation of unique or otherwise
significant land areas or structures. . . . In addition, the committee
bill would restrict the qualifying contribution where there is no
assurance that the contribution would be substantial enough to justify
the allowance of a deduction.
The report recognized the potential for overvaluation but sanctioned “the
difference between the fair market value of the property involved before
and after the grant of the easement,” basing this method on IRS rulings
with the caution, “however, the committee believes it should not be
applied mechanically.” This is called the “before and after” method.
The Government Accountability Office issued a 1984 report on historic preservation tax incentives. It concluded:
These tax incentives have proven to be an effective means for stimulating
such investments. And, the cost to the federal government, in terms of
foregone tax revenues, apparently has been small in comparison to the
amounts invested in historic rehabilitations. . . . IRS has encountered
some tax administration difficulties.
After writing how the IRS audited 42 cases, disagreeing with the valuations in 41, the GAO ominously noted: IRS
data shows that taxpayers generally overvalued their conservation
easement deductions by an average of about 220 percent. . . . IRS has
been hesitant to devote much in the way of resources to compliance
problems relating to historic rehabilitations. This is because
relatively few taxpayers have claimed these special tax benefits in
comparison to the millions of tax returns filed annually.
Most amendments to section 170(h) since 1980 expanded benefits. A few curbed
abuses. The deduction was liberalized in 2006, allowing individuals to
deduct the FMV of qualified conservation contributions up to 50 percent
of adjusted gross income (100 percent for farmers and ranchers,
including corporate farmers and ranchers) and carry over any unused
deduction for 15 years.
The easement property may continue to be used for agricultural or livestock production.
The donor may not retain the right to harvest timber or extract minerals.
Estates are also eligible for the deduction.
The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center summarized its success:
The most recently available IRS data shows that total deductions for
conservation easement contributions by taxpayers tripled between 2012
and 2014 — rising from $971 million in 2012 to $1.1 billion in 2013 to
$3.2 billion in 2014. But there’s reason to believe revenue losses were
even higher in 2015 and 2016, which not only puts the integrity of the
provision at risk — it undermines and endangers the efforts of
environmental advocates.
That $3.2 billion came from “slightly more than 3,200 returns” claiming an average $983,651 deduction. The Joint Committee on Taxation had estimated that making the CE provision permanent would cost $129 million over 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office estimated making the 2006 changes permanent would cost $1.128 billion over 10 years.
Perhaps the estimates were correct and the discrepancies noted by the
Tax Policy Center represent enormous deduction overvaluations.
II. The Abuses
Abuses generally feature inflated appraisals to boost the value of deductions
and tax credits, sometimes tiny parcels with little environmental
importance. The property may contain a flood plain or unusual topography
that makes it uneconomical to develop, facts that the appraiser
ignores, instead treating it as prime real estate. Subdividing a
property into small parcels allows co-owners to claim multiple smaller
deductions, reducing the odds of IRS scrutiny. Some contributors have
tried activities such as oil and gas development or wind farms on
conservation property or donating the adjacent golf course or beach.
Unlike the 1980s, a legal opinion isn’t present, just an appraiser’s
letter. CPA reports present in some offerings fail to append the
Circular 230 boilerplate language that the tax advice contained in the
offering cannot be relied on to avoid tax penalties.
Syndicated easement shelters are marketed by well-established and otherwise
reputable real estate companies and law firms, which often have done
normal real estate transactions with the investors and thus have their
Preserving a facade under new construction to obtain a
CE can involve absurd efforts to create compliance for a tax deduction.
I’ve witnessed a lower-floor exterior facade held together with steel
beams while the interior is completely gutted and a new building rises
from within. This brings more in conservation credits than does the cost
of holding together and building around the old facade. Howard Roark
once eloquently testified against such architectural lunacy.
Today, a facade easement requires the complete building “envelope,” four sides and the roof.
The president’s fiscal 2015 budget proposed to disallow CEs on golf courses
and to “restrict and harmonize” (that is, disallow) historic
preservation easements. The JCT analysis explained how this is a
“difficult and resource intensive issue for the IRS to identify, audit,
and litigate” and called valuation “highly speculative.”
Obtaining state tax credits can be easier than securing the federal deduction.
States have little or no oversight on the tax credits or the land trusts
and nonprofits charged with executing the easements. Following
scandals, Colorado created the Conservation Easement Oversight
Commission to review cases.
In 17 years, Colorado spent nearly $1 billion in tax credits for 4,200
easements and currently turns down about 20 percent of appraisals for
fraudulent or exaggerated valuations.
The standard for CE valuation is the “highest and best use.” This judicial
standard emerged because Congress failed to set a legislative standard.
Highest and best use can be any realistic, objective potential use of
the property.
The standard requires an inquiry into whether the proposed use will, in
reasonable probability, be “needed or likely to be needed in the
reasonably near future” — that is, whether the market will demand the
use. Regulations merely require that a conservation restriction’s FMV
must “take into account . . . an objective assessment of how immediate
or remote the likelihood is that the property, absent the restriction,
would in fact be developed” at the proposed level.
The IRS has formulated more detailed criteria to satisfy the highest and best use standard
Physically Possible.
The land must be able to accommodate the size and shape of the ideal
improvement: What uses of the subject site are physically possible?
Legally Permissible.
A property use that is either currently allowed or most probably
allowable under applicable laws and regulations. What uses of the
subject site are permitted by zoning, deed restrictions, and government
Financial Feasibility. The
ability of a property to generate sufficient income to support the use
for which it was designed. Among those uses that are physically possible
and legally permissible, which uses will produce a net return to the
Maximally Productive. The selected use
must yield the highest value among the possible uses. Among the feasible
uses, which use will produce the highest net return or the highest
present worth?
“Highest and best use” is an invitation
to creative appraisal that can be difficult for the IRS to challenge.
For example, the IRS successfully argued that the highest and best use
of farm property was agriculture, not the appraiser’s selection of
gravel mining. The parties had “stipulated that, absent the conservation
easements, it was likely that the necessary permits to mine gravel
could be obtained.” But the Tax Court noted that “there was no unfilled
demand [for gravel] . . . no unmet market, [and] no evidence [that] this
was to change in the reasonably foreseeable future.” The Appeals Court
upheld the decision, stating that just because the properties could be
rezoned for gravel mining did not mean that gravel mining was the
highest and best use.
III. Real Examples
Many syndicators are not transparent with potential investors, providing the
sizzle of a sales brochure package that excludes the full appraisal
report. An examination of county records often reveals that the property
has passed through one or more syndicator-owned or related entities,
each time at a substantial profit. This inflates the price to
unsuspecting investors.
A. Example 1
A real estate agent purchased a 30-acre riverbank strip for $25,100
— less than $1,000 per acre. It’s essential to protect riverbanks from development, but this
deal is purely abusive and tax-motivated. The agent makes similar
purchases in the same vicinity for 23-acre and 34-acre tracts. Two years
after purchase, without any improvements, sometimes after changing
hands to a related Agent B, the properties are marketed to clients of
the agent. The appraiser values this land as “MIA Industrial Park
Development” and assigns a value of $30,000 per acre, or $900,000, on
the first 30 acres. Not mentioned in the appraiser or accountant’s
report is that the county zones the property as “unique restricted
vacant land” because it’s a flood plain on the banks of a river,
building on it is restricted, and annual property tax is just $500.
Checking the secretary of state website for the names of the principals at
these realty companies reveals multiple other potential CE ventures. These
real estate agents could be seen as veritable abusive tax shelter mills.
B. Example 2
A promoter acquires 275 acres 40 miles outside Atlanta for $14,148 per
acre. Two years later, he offers it to investors for $31,348 per acre.
Two separate appraisers issue almost identical 100+ page reports — down
to the exact page inserts, page order, and photos — claiming the highest
and best use sets the value at $132,000 to $135,000 per acre.
Unmentioned is that the county values the property at $8,278 per acre.
Both appraisals ignore the fact that the property contains a flood plain
and a 297-foot-wide high voltage electrical transmission power line
easement (every 150-ft. x 297-ft. equals one acre lost). It’s served by
just a two-lane rural road. There’s no topography map in either
appraisal that would show that this property needs an incredible amount
of grading to make it useful. (”Project will involve the largest grading
contract in Georgia’s history. Roughly 11 million cubic yards of dirt
and five million cubic yards of rock will need to be moved on the North
Campus alone.”) Photos reveal that the interstate highway abutting the
property is built on a viaduct, rather than at ground level. It’s
been well-publicized that President Trump has made at least five
easement gifts, generating more than $100 million in write-offs. He took
a $39 million deduction in 2005 on his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf
course. His Seven Springs estate in Westchester County, New York, and
Mar-a-Lago club in Florida are under CEs. In 2014 he donated an easement
on an 11.5-acre driving range in Los Angeles. These are considered
consistent with appropriate easements.
Trump’s CEs, if they were disputed by the IRS, never reached the litigation
stage. While publicity resulted from scrutiny of anything associated
with his tax returns, there are many wealthy individuals who take
advantage of CEs without involving syndicates.
Any solution must also address the types of easements
Congress intends to be eligible for a large tax benefit, not just
restrict syndications.
IV. Crowding the Court Docket
The National Taxpayer Advocate 2013 Report to Congress included CEs as
“Most Litigated Issue #7” and it remains “most litigated” in all
subsequent annual reports. The 2013 report dealt more with technical
difficulties taxpayers face in complying with the statutory requirements
for a valid CE than with the abuses. The 2012 report only mentioned CE
as examples of overaggressive IRS imposition of negligence penalties.
The 2011 report cited a question regarding acceptance of CEs as
unnecessarily burdensome for most Form 1023 filers. The 2010 report
claimed that CEs are “almost impossible for the IRS to administer.”
CE cases consume a substantial portion of the Tax Court docket. It’s often
a battle of competing appraisers and engineers, in which the IRS can be
as unreasonable as the taxpayer, leading to wildly conflicting
technical expert testimony and protracted expensive litigation.
As the table of cases at the end of this article shows, $342 million of
claimed CEs were involved in cases decided in 2013 through 2017. The
courts allowed just $44 million, (including one case allowing $24
million). Because 90 percent of docketed cases are settled before trial,
the 47 cases listed may represent 470 cases docketed, or 94 per year.
With over 3,200 returns claiming CEs just in 2014, the odds of an IRS
challenge must be exceedingly small. Does anyone believe that 97 percent
of appraisals are reasonable?
Back in 2004, IRS put abusers on
notice that it “intends to disallow such deductions and may impose
penalties and excise taxes” and “challenge the tax-exempt status of a
charitable organization that participates in these transactions,”
advising “promoters and appraisers that the Service intends to review
promotions of transactions involving these improper deductions, and that
the promoters and appraisers may be subject to penalties.”
The abuses continued to grow because only a fraction of abusers were caught.
V. Conservation Charities
A Brookings study claims that many of the largest organizations do not
disclose the value of easement gifts on their tax returns or value them
at zero; hence, they cannot be identified. “Were these organizations to
include these easement donations at appraised value . . . [several
organizations that appear to be small] would rank among the nation’s 100
largest non-hospital, non-university charitable organizations.”
Charities that manage CEs have banded into an umbrella organization. The Land
Trust Alliance is a section 501(c)(3) entity “serving the 1,700
nonprofit land trusts with 5 million members that are conserving land in
communities around the country,” according to its president, Rand
The organization sets policy, standards, education, and training to
support land trusts. Its 369-page CE tax guide promotes good practices.
Reputable major charities maintain real estate committees to evaluate properties
before acceptance. Many charities accepting CE properties (remember,
these are partial interests) do not have a long history or reputation.
Some are startups that accept practically anything and may have
connections to the tax shelter organizers. They require a cash
contribution to accompany the CE, sometimes referred to as a
“stewardship fee,” for operating funds. It is important to document that
such cash contribution benefits the charity, not made in exchange for
tax-planning or other services, lest the IRS challenge it as a
nondeductible quid pro quo.
The IRS requires that the cash payment must be a voluntary transfer,
made with charitable intent to a qualified organization, to be
deductible as a charitable contribution.
It is impossible to determine the aggregate number of CEs, or make sense
of land trust tax filings, because accounting and reporting practices
vary wildly. Most report receiving noncash contributions on Form 990,
“Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax”; many do not, despite
reporting an increase in CEs. Some report stewardship fees, some by a
different term, others do not. CE disclosures on Form 990 Schedule D
inconsistently report the number of conservation easements and acreage.
Reconciling the fixed asset schedule on Schedule D with the balance
sheet on Form 990 rarely reconciles with new CE acquisitions. Some
record CEs as incapable of being valued and hence record value as zero,
or leave the land/easement valuation sections on Schedule D blank. An
occasional land trust will record a CE at the donor’s appraised value,
which can agree with the noncash contribution reported elsewhere and can
be a clue to excessive appraisals. They report transfers,
modifications, purchase acquisitions, and sales of CEs. It is impossible
to reconcile or decipher or compare organizations.
One land trust filed two 2016 Forms 990 with the same address; same
employer identification number, indicating the same website; the same
2015 opening balances; but completely different 2016 income and balance
sheet numbers using two different preparers, and similar but not
identical list of officers and board members, one signed by the
executive director, the other by the board chair. The latter was
unauthorized and erroneous, according to the executive director. Perhaps
it is significant that the IRS didn’t flag the duplicate filing. The
organization was unaware of the duplicate filing before I inquired.
Form 990 should be requesting information that is consistent, comparable,
reliable, verifiable, and objective. Currently, land conservation
charities tax returns are not useful.
VI. Appraisers’ Issues
Publicized cases against promoters and appraisers are relatively few. The statute
of limitations for the appraiser penalty case is three years from the
later of the due date of the related return or the date the return was
filed. Form 872 extending the time to assess tax for a return examined
does not extend the appraiser penalty statute.
The Justice Department rarely prosecutes appraisers. In 2013 a federal court barred
MAI-designated real estate appraiser Michael Ehrmann and his firm from
preparing property appraisals for federal tax purposes. The complaint
alleged that Ehrmann’s appraisals repeatedly overstated the value of CEs
placed on historic properties, including the Book Cadillac Hotel in
Detroit and the Powerhouse building in the Flats District of Cleveland.
It was estimated that the amount of improper tax deductions attributable
to his flawed appraisals could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.
Courts upheld an IRS administrative summons to Georgia appraiser Jim
Clower for all CE appraisals he made.
If there are others, they are not named in press releases. Court orders are vague.
The IRS Office of Professional Responsibility reached a 2014 settlement
with a group of appraisers in one firm, who agreed to a five-year suspension.
They were accused of aiding in the understatement of federal tax
liabilities by overvaluing facade easements for charitable donation purposes.
Unlike attorneys, CPAs, and enrolled agents, names of appraisers’ subject
to OPR disciplinary sanctions never appear in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.
Some land trusts issue “comfort letters” promising a refund of the cash
contribution and restoring title to the contributor if the anticipated
favorable tax results are not achieved. In response to concerns one
participant had, the National Architectural Trust sent a September 16,
2004, email stating:
The IRS notices to which you
refer were prompted by recently exposed improprieties at the Nature
Conservancy, the nation’s largest land conservation easement holding
organization. The practice the IRS is concerned with here is when a
non-profit acquires property, puts an easement on it and sells it for a
reduced price plus a tax deductible charitable contribution. * * *
Thus far not a single donation made to the Trust has been disallowed by
the IRS (400+ in New York City alone).
In 2011 the Justice Department obtained an injunction against Steven
McClain and the Trust for Architectural Easements Inc. (formerly known
as the National Architectural Trust). It had given inflated appraisals
to taxpayers in Boston, New York City, Baltimore, and Washington to
claim unwarranted charitable tax deductions for donations of facade CEs
on historic buildings. Through 2008, the complaint alleged, the total
value of facade easement tax deductions attributable to the trusts’
scheme exceeded $1.2 billion and the revenue lost though 2006 was $250
VII. Abuse Mitigation Efforts
Absent significant new legislation restricting CEs and increasing the IRS
enforcement budget, inflated CE valuations will continue to drain the
treasury. Syndication is merely a symptom of the abuse potential. Bills
proposing to limit the return to 2.5 times a partner’s investment would
assure continued abuses by setting a safe harbor.
The root cause is the lack of curbs on donations motivated purely by
tax rewards and a highest and best use standard that encourages
overvaluation and rewards imagination.
The IRS recently made CE
donations eligible for a pre-filing agreement (PFA). The PFA will
address both the issue of deductibility and the issue of valuation. It
allows the taxpayer and the IRS to resolve the issues before the tax
return is filed.
The IRS now treats syndicated CEs with a write-off 2.5 times the amount of
the investor’s investment as a listed transaction, requiring filing of
Form 8886, “Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement,” and Form 8918,
“Material Advisor Disclosure Statement.”
This high limit was trashed in Forbes, which argued that the limit should be much lower.
The IRS commissioner wrote Congress that in six months, this new
requirement disclosed $217,067,598 of aggregate contributions from just
40 disclosures and that the IRS was processing 200 Forms 8886 and 5,500
Forms 8918.
The House Appropriations Committee initially sought to prohibit the IRS
from implementing or enforcing this 2.5 times standard retroactively.
A CE facade deduction of more than $10,000 is not allowed without paying
the IRS a $500 filing fee. It must be filed and paid separately from the
return that claims the deduction.
By law, those fees must be spent on enforcement activities related to charitable contribution deductions for historic CEs.
This might raise around $1 million annually.
In 2006 Congress tightened requirements for historic building facade
easements, including that the donee organization “has the resources to
manage and enforce the restriction and a commitment to do so.”
Congress repealed the 1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act audit rules
for tax years beginning after 2017, replacing it with a complex
IRS-friendly partnership audit regime.
Taxpayers may elect the new regime for pre-2018 years.
At audit and trial, the IRS has invoked section 170(f)(8). A surprising
number of CE donors fail to obtain the required contemporaneous
acknowledgment for a contribution of $250 or more, thereby jeopardizing a
multimillion-dollar contribution. To bolster the IRS argument, Congress
repealed the exception in case of contributions reported by the donee,
so donors will have a harder time claiming mitigation of the failure.
VIII. Structuring a Conservation Easement
A. Intent
Ideally, one should have donative intent, or a bona fide conservation intent,
when making a CE. Farmers and ranchers benefit by making land CEs. It
guarantees them the ability to maintain farming or grazing on the
property while compensating them for not selling out to developers. An
easement on an existing golf course is often tax-motivated and it can be
difficult to prove a “before and after” value for claiming an easement
B. Donee
Work with a reputable and
financially stable conservation charity to avoid a potential problem. If
the donee disposes of the CE or facade easement within three years, it
must file a Form 8282, “Donee Information Return,” that the IRS can
match against the donor’s original Form 8283, “Noncash Charitable
C. Appraisals
Obtain realistic CE appraisals from two reputable appraisers. They should be
issued close to the date easement is granted. A syndicate investor
should obtain and retain copies of the full appraisal before investing.
D. Highest and Best Use
This judicial standard requires an inquiry into whether there is the type of
market demand that creates a reasonable probability that the proposed
use will be needed or likely to be needed in the reasonably near, not
remote, future. It must be physically possible, legally permissible,
financially feasible, and maximally productive. It’s also an invitation
to err on the high side.
E. Modifications
Avoid contracts that grant the donor the ability to swap the easement property
with another, change borders, or contingencies or modifications that
could, even remotely, extinguish the easement. Any retained rights
should be modest and allowable.
F. State Law
Confirm that state law permits a permanent easement or other restrictions.
G. Receipt
Obtain a contemporaneous acknowledgment of the donation under section
170(f)(8). The receipt should include the correct full legal description
of the property.
IX. Solution Proposals
Negligence, overvaluation, economic substance, and preparer penalties lack
sufficient deterrence because the root causes are abusive appraisers,
compliant land trusts, and a slight risk of audit.
There may be some easy ways to minimize abusive cases from CEs:
For a conservation or facade easement, the IRS could require that the
complete appraisal be attached to the return at a much lower threshold
than $500,000.
Syndicate investors rarely receive a copy of the full appraisal, much
less know when they must attach the hundred-plus pages to their
individual Forms 1040. Donors and syndicators may be more cautious when a
copy of the appraisal becomes a required submission.
Form 990 Schedule D could be revised to require more details on conservation
donations, including values claimed by donors. That would make donees
more circumspect over land donations they accept and allow the IRS to
identify potentially rogue conservation organizations and their donors.
Schedule D could require a dollar value reconciliation for “conservation
easements modified, transferred, released, extinguished, or terminated —
during the year” besides a mere single-digit number. It could include a
question on how many Forms 8282 must be filed.
Form 990 Schedule B could be revised to flag CEs. The FMV required on Part II
could require that the organization list the valuation that will be
claimed by the donor and require the donee to record the same value as
an asset.
For contributions to a government entity,
Congress could require a donor to obtain and attach to the tax return an
acknowledgment from the entity of the property’s assessed value for the
year before the contribution. That might flag potential gross
overvaluations. Congress could deny any deduction for
“historic preservation” (architectural, facade, or similar contribution)
by letting the National Register of Historic Places decide what is
historic. Once listed, the “before and after” value is zero; hence, no
Congress could prohibit syndication of CEs, other than a so-called pure conservation syndication.
Rarely does one buy into a syndicate except for the tax benefit,
generally based on an overvaluation appraisal. Donative intent isn’t
present and marketing materials promote only the tax benefits. At a
minimum, Congress could disallow the bootstrap rule under which
investors who buy into a partnership that has owned the property for
more than one year can benefit from a CE donated the day after
Congress could revise the applicable valuation standard. Inaction ensconces the
judicial highest and best use, a soft standard that often proves an
invitation to abusively high appraisals. Congress could set the standard
as “current use” (could stop syndications) or proven nearby
neighborhood development. A substantial monetary penalty assessable
against too-pliant appraisers could assist in enforcing any standard. Congress
could expand the definition of “tax return preparer” under section
7701(a)(36) to specifically include an appraiser who signs a Form 8283.
That would subject appraisers to section 6694 preparer penalties. Under
Treasury regulations in place since 1977, an appraiser might be
subject to penalties under section 6694 as a nonsigning tax return
preparer if the appraisal is a substantial portion of the return or
claim for refund and the applicable standards of care are not met.
Congress could order another study like the one by the GAO in 1984, focusing
especially on the IRS’s ability to administer CEs and historic
preservation. That nonprofit entities are not a tax
revenue source was cited in the Lois Lerner scandal as one reason for a
lack of resources assigned to oversee the IRS nonprofit unit. There is
significant tax revenue lost for lack of oversight on nonprofit
involvement in CEs, possibly approaching half the size of tax ID fraud
or improper earned income tax credits.
In the 1980s, new
legislation enabled the IRS to stop most abusive tax shelters. The CE
abuses will require similar resolve. Failure to legislate an end to
these abuses leaves honest tax practitioners to convince clients that we
are more trustworthy than the reputable real estate firm they have been
doing business with for over a decade who tells them their accountant
lacks expertise or is too timid.
X. Conclusion
CEs serve a good social function and if one believes that the tax code should be
used for such purposes other than raising revenue, it is valid and
useful. Current law invites abuse because it encourages overvaluation,
overwhelms IRS resources to police this weakly structured law, clogs our
court system, and encourages disrespect for our tax laws.
Following are 47 unique cases decided by the courts in the past five years
dealing with facades and CEs. Most are disallowed in full, though many
abate penalties. These are tough cases that only the best tax lawyers
undertake to defend.
Frank Agostino of Agostino & Associates
PC in Hackensack, New Jersey, tries many easement cases, successfully
settling 90 percent without trial. He blames faulty and fraudulent
appraisals for the rash of litigation and says controversies could be
significantly reduced if penalties were assessed against the appraiser —
including government appraisers — when there is more than a 50 percent
error in valuation. Competent appraisals, he believes, should not vary
by more than 10 percent.
A significant penalty on appraisers for
failing a valuation variance standard, together with more objective and
consistent standards for CE charities, could drive out the bad actors.
Placing major responsibility on appraisers at the start and charities at
the end of the transaction might be the self-enforcing mechanism we
need to minimize CE disputes.
Conservation Easement Cases 2013-2018
Case | TP Claimed | IRS Allowed | T.C. Allowed | Comments/Attorney |
In re Robert J. Spenlinhauer, No. 13-17191 (Bankr. D. Mass. 2017) (transferee) | 3,900,000 | 9,480,000 | — | Form 706 undervaluation partial summary for IRS |
Partita Partners LLC v. Commissioner, No. 1:15-cv-02561 (S.D.N.Y. 2016),
related to Partita Partners LLC v. United States, 216 F. Supp.3d 337 (S.D.N.Y. 2016) |
4,186,000 | 0 | 0 | facade |
Scheidelman v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-19, aff’d, Scheidelman v. Commissioner, No. 13-2650 (CA-2, 2014) | 115,000 | 0 | 0 | rev’d, Scheidelman v. Commissioner, 682 F.3d 189, 192 (CA-2, 2012)/Frank Agostino |
Whitehouse Hotel Ltd. Partnership v. Commissioner, 755 F.3d 236 (CA-5, 2014) | 7,445,000 |
1,150,000 | 1,792,301 | — |
Esgar Corp. v. Commissioner, 744 F.3d 648 (CA-10, 2014) | 2,274,500 | 0 | 149,051 | — |
Belk v. Commissioner, 140 T.C. 1 (2013), aff’d, Belk v. Commissioner, 774 F.3d 221 (CA-4, 2014) | 10,524,000 | 0 | 0 | golf course, TC reconsideration |
Palmolive Building Investors LLC v. Commissioner, 145 T.C. 344 (2017) | 33,410,000 | 0 | 0 | facade, TEFRA, rev. by the court/Jeffrey H. Paravano; not perpetuity |
Rutkoske v. Commissioner, 149 T.C. No. 6 (2017) | 1,335,040 | valuation set for trial | partial summary judgment for respondent | not qualified farmer or rancher for section 170(b)(1)(E)(iv) 100 percent base |
RERI Holdings I LLC v. Commissioner, 149 T.C. No. 1 (2017) | 33,019,000 | 3,900,000 | 3,462,886 | appraisal 18 months pre-contribution; Form 8283 cost/basis blank |
15 W. 17th St. LLC v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 19 (2017) | 64,490,000 | 0 | respondent summary judgment denied | no section 170(f)(8)(D) regs to enforce/Frank Agostino |
Carroll v. Commissioner, 146 T.C. 196 (2016) | 1,200,000 | 0 | 0 | defective easement contract |
Legg v. Commissioner, 145 T.C. 344 (2015) | 1,418,500 | 80,000 | 80,000 | — |
Chandler v. Commissioner, 142 T.C. 279 (2014) | 562,650 | 0 | 0 | facade |
Wachter v. Commissioner, 142 T.C. 140 (2014) | 759,050 | 0 | 0 | North Dakota law prohibits real property easements granted in perpetuity |
Graev v. Commissioner, 140 T.C. 377 (2013), rev’d, Graev v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 16 (2016), supplementing Graev v. Commissioner, 149 T.C. No. 23 (2017) | 990,000 | 0 | 0 | Frank Agostino |
Wendell Falls Development LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2018-45 | 1,798,000 F1065; 4,818,000 F1065X | 0 | 0 | — |
Conner v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2018-6 | 520,000 | 380,812 | 520,000 | Jones Day |
Roth v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-248 | 970,000 | settlement 30,000 | 30,000 | 40 percent penalty upheld |
Salt Point Timber LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-245 | 2,130,000 | 0 | 0 | — |
Big River Development LP v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-166 | 7,140,000 | set for trial 0 | partial summary judgment for pet | facade, cotemporaneous section 170(f)(8)/ Jeffrey H. Paravano, BakerHostetler |
310 Retail LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-164 | 26,700,000 | set for trial 0 - $1.6 million | partial summary judgment for pet | yes, contemporaneous section 170(f)(8)(B) facade easement |
Ten Twenty-Six Investors v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-115 | 11,355,000 | 0 | 0 | facade |
McGrady v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-233 | 4,700,000 | 0 | 3,654,792 | John Paul Barrie |
RP Golf LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-80, aff’d, RP Golf LLC v. Commissioner, 860 F.3d 1096 (8th Cir. 2017) | 16,4000,000 | 0 | 0 | golf course; also lost prior case, RP Golf LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2012-282 |
Bayne French v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-53 | 350,971 | 0 | 0 | no contemporaneous section 170(f)(8); (otherwise, $137,836) |
Gemperle v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-1 | 108,000 | 35,000 | 35,000 | pro se |
Atkinson v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2015-236 | 5,223,000; 2,657,500 | 0 | 0 | golf course; two parcels |
Bosque Canyon Ranch v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2015-130, vacated, Bosque Canyon Ranch v. Commissioner, 867 F.3d 547 (5th Cir. 2017) | 8,400,000; 7,5000,000 | 0 | 0 | two parcels; vacated and remanded to Tax Court |
Costello v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2015-87 | 5,543,309 | 0 | 0 | — |
SWF Real Estate v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2015-63 | 7,398,333 | 2,477,100 | 7,350,000 | William Rowe & Timothy Jacobs |
Balsam Mountain Investments LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2015-43 | no amounts mentioned | no amounts mentioned | 0 | — |
Reisner v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-230 | 190,000 | 0 | 0 | facade/pro se |
Zarlengo v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-161 | 660,000 | 0 | 157,500 | facade/Frank Agostino |
Schmidt v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-159 | 1,600,000 | 195,000 | 1,152,445 | — |
Seventeen Seventy Sherman Street v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-124 | 7,150,000 | 0 or 400,000; or 2,050,000 | 0 | interior/exterior facade; TEFRA/ BakerHostetler |
Palmer Ranch Holdings Ltd. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-79, aff’d in part, remanded in part, Palmer Ranch Holdings Ltd. v. Commissioner, 812 F.3d 982 (11th Cir. 2016), remanded, Palmer Ranch Holdings Ltd. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-190 | 23,940,000 | 6,975,000 | 19,955,014 | TEFRA/Arent Fox; see John Montague, “Fair Market Value and Uncertainty Regarding Highest and Best Use,” Tax Notes, June 23, 2014, p. 1425 |
Kaufman v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-52 | 220,800 | 0 | 0 | facade/Frank Agostino |
Mountanos v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-38; Mountanos v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-138, aff’d, Mountanos v. Commissioner, 651 Fed. Appx. 592 (9th Cir. 2016) | 4,691,500 | 0 | 0 | — |
Route 231 LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-30 | 7,415,983 | 0 | 0 | TEFRA ruled disguised sale |
61 York Acquisition LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-266 | 10,730,000 | 0 | 0 | Kostelanetz & Fink |
Gorra v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-254 | 605,000 | 0 | 104,000 | architectural/Frank Agostino |
Friedberg v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-224 | 3,775,000 | 0 | 0 | facade reconsideration |
Mitchell v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-204, supplementing Mitchell v. Commissioner, 138 T.C. 324 (2012) | 504,000 | 0 or 100,000 | 0 | Larry D. Harvey |
Carpenter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-172 | 2,784,341 | 0 | 0 | Larry D. Harvey |
Crimi v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-51 | 1,400,000 | 0 | 1,400,000 | Frank Agostino |
Pollard v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-38 | 640,479 | 0 | 0 | — |
Didonato v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-11, related to Didonato v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2011-153 | 1,870,000 | 0 | 0 | no contemporaneous section 170(f)(8); reconsideration |
Totals excluding in re Spenlinhauer (excluding Palmer Ranch) | $341.8 million ($317.9 million) | — | $43.8 million ($23.8 million) | |

Jay Starkman, CPA is a sole practitioner in Atlanta. A version of this article was originally
published in Tax Notes on June 4, 2018.