Only TaxesWelcome to Only Taxes, internet home of Jay Starkman, P.C. Jay Starkman is an award-winning CPA in Atlanta, Georgia, with over 40 years experience in public accounting. He has been honored with the AICPA's Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award, the accounting professions highest award in the area of taxation. Tax Analysts named Jay a runner-up 2011 Tax Person of the Year. The Georgia House of Representatives honored his service to the state with a special resolution. The Georgia Society of CPAs awarded him its Distinguished Member Award. CPA Magazine named him one of the Top 50 IRS Representation Practitioners. And he is a FIVE STAR: Best in Client Satisfaction Wealth Manager in Atlanta Magazine for six years in a row. The mission of Only Taxes is to bring informative articles and some tax humor to American taxpayers. Below are Jay's latest articles and developments, including eleven op-eds published in the Wall Street Journal.
Does the Constitution Preclude a Wealth Tax? (WSJ 2023) A Modern IRS? Careful What You Wish For (WSJ 2023) How Congress Cut Trumps Taxes (WSJ 2022) Get Your CPE For Free (Acctg Today 2022) The Power to Spend Is There No Limit? (WSJ 2022) Atlas Shrugged At IRS (WSJ 2022) Letters to Barron's: The Feds Dilemma Why is it necessary to become a CPA? (Acctg Today 2021) Why Not a 100% Tax Rate? (WSJ 2021) Arcane Advice for the Tax Practitioner (Tax Notes 2020) Bidenomics May Repeat FDRs Blunder (WSJ 2020) State Movie Subsidies Are a Flop (WSJ 2019) The 2019 Taxpayer First Act is a Misnomer (WSJ 2019) Reagan Exaggerated When Claiming He Paid Over 90% Tax (WSJ) Why Should Congress See Trump's Tax Returns? (WSJ 2019) Reforming the IRS: Is the Taxpayer Really First? (Tax Notes 2019) The State Persecution of Donald Trump and MLK Jr. ( 2018) Smoot-Hawley tariffs and the Great Depression (Barron's 2018) Conservation Easements: The 21st-Century Abusive Tax Shelter Why Are Taxes So Complex? Do Tax Returns Matter In Presidential Elections? Listen to Jay's 9/13/2016 interview with Brian Crabtree 1190 & 920 AM Atlanta Jay resigns from AICPA. Read why. (Jay remains a member of the GA Society of CPAs and the NY State Society of CPAs) Listen to Jay's 6/29/2016 interview with Kelly_Higgins-Devine 612 ABC Brisbane, Australia Linux for CPAs (The CPA Journal 2013) Happy Birthday 16th Amendment (WSJ 2013) Debunking Fair Share (Financial Times 2013) The Case Against Efiling. More efile articles here. Mitt Romney and his Carried Interest Tax Shelter (Financial Times) Taxation for Prosperity (Tax Notes 2012) The Debate Over Oil and Mineral Taxes (Tax Notes 2011) In Memoriam: Martin D. Ginsburg (Tax Notes 2010) Can An Estate Tax Be Retroactive? (Tax Notes 2010) Applying for a Private Letter Ruling (Journal of Accountancy 2010) more Don't forget to visit The Sex of a Hippopotamus: A Unique History of Taxes and Accounting where you will find tax stories, songs and videos. The Wall Street Journal called it, "the only readable book about taxes." Read the review here. For the taxpayer who has received a Notice of Deficiency from the Internal Revenue Service, this website provides information on filing a Tax Court petition. For the tax professional, we also also offer an extensive page of resources for taking the Tax Court Exam for Nonattorneys. Check back often for additions to our page of links to other useful tax sites. And feel free to e-mail us with any comments or questions via our new feedback form. Download a freeware IRS Noncorporate Tax Interest Calculator
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