Best of TaxLetter: Tax Amnesty
New Jersey began a 90-day amnesty program on September 10, 1988.
The publicity campaign made this one stand out. Advertisements
warned "Pay now, or you'll pay a lot more later," and "Time is
running out." Governor Thomas Kean made his appearance in
television spots. Standing in front of an open jail cell, Kean
said, "If you haven't paid your taxes, do it now... We have a
lot of nice places to visit, but this isn't one of them." The
state attorney general received a $1.5 million appropriation for
prosecuting delinquents after the amnesty ended. (No. 60)
The successful tax amnesty program in Massachusetts, where
250,000 people voluntarily paid over $40 million in back taxes,
has sparked interest at the federal level. Massachusetts is
turning over those 250,000 names to IRS. IRS has no amnesty
program. (No. 43, 1984)
Midway through the criminal trial of a North Central Airlines
pilot for failure to file tax returns, one of the jurors asked
the court: "Whether the outcome will cause any of us to be
audited by IRS"? (September 1979)
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