456 pages, $28.95
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Atlanta Bookstores
Judaica Corner
2185 Briarcliff Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 636-2473
Blue Elephant Bookshop
2091 N. Decatur Road
Decatur, GA 30333
(404) 728-8958
Tall Tales
2105 Lavista Rd., #108
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 636-2498
Chosen Treasures
175 Mount Vernon Hwy
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
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Chapters |
One accountants portrayed in popular culture
Two death from overwork
Three accountants' glamorous world
Four history of accounting
"Sarbanes-Oxley Blues," words and music written by Headwaters Co-Founder & Chairman Dave Maney
Five evil taxers
Six U.S. tax history
Seven IRS history
Eight Al Capone, FDR, LBJ, MLK, Watergate
Nine Sex of a Hippopotamus
Ten Tax Court
Eleven tax return publicity
Twelve famous wealthy people
Jack Benny & Groucho Marx
Jack Benny and Groucho Marx both made a successul transition from radio to television. Though many biographies have been written about them, none provides the rich details you can learn from reading the cases they took to Tax Court.
Jack Benny's contract required him to provide, at his own expense, an 18-member orchestra. Groucho Marx was required to provide an 11-member orchestra. These were for AM radio broadcasts.
Ever wonder why cash prizes on Groucho's "You Bet Your Life" were so small? It's because they came out of Groucho's compensation, which wasn't that high to start with.
Click on the case links to discover what was required of them, what they earned, and the tax issues that landed both of them in Tax Court. The cases detail little-known facts about their radio history, sponsors, and how they jumped from radio to TV. Incidentally, they won!
There are many more fascinating details from tax records about public figures in: